Do your research and prepare before applying to any role with us. Browse through our recommendations, recruitment principles and processes, or frequently asked questions. 



Whatever role you’re interested in, it is important to understand 'why', 'how' and 'where' MSF operates. Before you apply, reinforce your knowledge of MSF as an international medical humanitarian organisation:


Why working with us?

What are the reasons that motivate you to work with MSF? How do you imagine it? 
Explore why working with MSF and discover what it means to commit within our multicultural teams and to do the difference through an impacting work in an organization with strong values. 

What role are you interested in?

Discover the wide variety of roles we rely on for our social mission and where to work with us internationally and in Belgium. Find out which position might fit with your profile and with what you're looking for, by browsing the multitude of international mobile staff profiles we are constantly looking for as well as all our currently vacant jobs in Belgium and abroad

Tell us who you are and why you apply?

Customize your CV and motivation letter in English or French to give us a general understanding of your profile and to check whether it meets the position’s requirements. In your motivation letter, tell us who you are, how your profile fits the position you're applying to and what motivates you to work in the humanitarian sector with MSF. 


For each job opportunity, the application process includes the following steps:
1.  Application  
2. Analysis of the application
3. Technical validation or test
4. Interview(s)  
5. References check
6. Selection
7. Hiring 


We are guided by the following principles for each recruitment: 
Respect and independence

While respecting our recruitment principles, the order, number, content or manner of carrying out certain steps of the recruitment process may be adapted. 


Explore our recruitment processes below for international mobile profiles or immediate vacant jobs in Belgium or abroad : 

Application process for International Mobile staff profiles

Find out more about working abroad as international mobile staff with us and if you are eligible to apply to MSF Belgium recruiting office through this site

1. Online application

Completion of the online application form on one of the international mobile employee profiles page. If you hesitate between several profiles to apply to, apply only once to the one you think you correspond the most. The recruiter who will screen your application will assess if you correspond to another profile. 
CV and motivation letter in English or French is mandatory, for some profiles, a copy of your diploma is required. 

After receiving your application, expect an automated acknowledgment. We aim to reach out via email within one month.

2. Analysis of the application

Review by the Recruitment Unit to assess alignment with eligibility criteria. A language test may be required.

The Recruitment Unit will communicate the outcome via email. Response times may vary and could extend up to several weeks. If the outcome is positive, the application will proceed to technical validation

3. Technical validation

The application undergoes validation to ensure alignment with technical and operational requirements, which may include the completion of technical tests.
MSF recognizes the power and utility of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for improving performance and  communication, and it values people who have mastered their use. MSF asks however that candidates refrain from using AI during the technical test of the recruitment process. This request is in place to better understand the knowledge you could bring in your technical role. It is critical to recognize that AI tools are frequently unavailable in humanitarian contexts. It also aims for equity across all applications. Responses that represent genuine human thought and insight will be valued more.

The Recruitment Unit will notify you of the outcome via email. Response times may vary and occasionally extend to several months. If the outcome is positive, you will receive an invitation to proceed to the next stage.

4. First interview

Initial one-hour videoconference interview with a recruiter to assess understanding and suitability regarding eligibility criteria and conditions for international mobility. Prior review of several documents is required.

The recruiter will communicate the outcome via email, aiming to do so within one week whenever feasible. If the outcome is positive, you will receive an invitation to proceed to the next stage.

5. References check

Reference check by the recruiter with 3 line managers (current and/or previous) whose contact information has been shared by the applicant.  

This step takes an average of one to two weeks.  

6. Selection interview  

Two-hour selection interview by videoconference with a recruiter. Assessment of the transversal competences required to work as international mobile staff with MSF.

Several documents must be completed beforehand for the preparation of the interview by the Recruiter. Exceptionnaly, additional interview or situational exercises.

Feedback of 30 minutes by videoconference with the recruiter, as far as possible, between one and a few weeks after the selection interview. Reference check completion mandatory before the feedback.

7. Selection

Decision and assessed competences analysis shared by the recruiter during the feedback. If positive, integration of the selected person into the "pool" of his/her corresponding profile and contact with the career manager in charge of the pool.  

Completion of the administrative file mandatory previous to assignment, with for encoding of employee administrative and contact information, update of vaccination status and submission of health certificate, criminal records form, work attests, valid passport copy,...  

At this stage, no contract with MSF before departure on assignment. Important to wait for a confirmed assignment departure date before resigning from current employment.

8. Assignment proposal & preparation

As soon as a position matches the profile, skills and availability of the selected person, the career manager sends and discusses an assignment proposal with information on the departure date, duration, location, context, and responsibilities of the position.  

Once the assignment is confirmed, the International Mobility Unit informs and accompanies the future international mobile employee for possible visa or work permit requirements, and plans travel and transport from home to the mission location.

Participation in the "Welcome to MSF" training, via webinar and e-learning, to get a better understanding of our organization and prepare yourself about working with MSF.

Time before departure on first assignment as international mobile employee depends on availability and operational needs. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

9. Hiring and departure on assignment

Placement under fixed term contract for the duration of the assignment. The contract starts and ends one to a few days before arrival in and after return from the project to enable briefings or debriefings and travel between home and the assignment location.  

Welcome to MSF!  

Application process for immediate vacant jobs in Belgium or abroad

1. Application

Application via the e-mail address or link specified in the vacancy. CV and cover letter in English or French mandatory, with for some positions, a copy of the diploma.

Applications received after the application deadline will not be considered. Spontaneous applications are not considered, except for volunteer work in Belgium  

2. Analysis of applications

Examination of all applications received based on the prerequisites and conditions of the specific job vacancy.

Due to the high number of applications, only candidates shortlisted for the next step are contacted by e-mail between few days to a few weeks after the closing date for applications.

3. Test (optional)

When needed, administration of a test to assess technical knowledge, either to select people to invite for an interview or meant as a preparation for the interview.  
MSF recognizes the power and utility of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for improving performance and  communication, and it values people who have mastered their use. MSF asks however that candidates refrain from using AI during the technical test of the recruitment process. This request is in place to better understand the knowledge you could bring in your technical role. It is critical to recognize that AI tools are frequently unavailable in humanitarian contexts. It also aims for equity across all applications. Responses that represent genuine human thought and insight will be valued more.

Depending on the objective and the result of the test, feedback and possible invitation by e-mail to the next step. The response time varies from a few days to a few weeks after the test.

4. Interview(s)

Between 1 hour and 1,5 hour interview by video conference or in person with the line manager, a recruiter and possible technical referent/s. An additional interview, with an exercise or role-play might be required to choose between several candidates or to refine a decision.

Additional assessments are organized for specific functions:
- A half-day external assessment for certain mid to high level management or operational functions  
- A two-hour selection interview by videoconference with a recruiter for specific functions in one of our projects or with minimum 40% of mobility in our contexts of interventions. Assessment of the transversal competences required to work in or support MSF interventions. Several documents must be completed beforehand for the preparation of the interview by the Recruiter. This only applies to candidates who have no previous or recent experience as a mobile international employee with MSF.

The timing of this step varies depending on the number of shortlisted candidates to interview as well as the number and the type of interviews.

5. References

Reference check by the recruiter with 3 line managers (current and/or previous) whose contact information has been shared by the candidate.  

6. Selection

Information by the line manager, sometimes accompanied by the recruiter, to all candidates interviewed for the position whether they have been selected or not.

Upon confirmation by the selected person, decision on the date of taking up the post. The selected person is contacted by the relevant departmental assistant and by the administration to prepare his/her arrival.

7. Hiring

Fixed or indefinite period contract depending on the position.

In addition to briefings and/or training by the line manager and/or department concerned, participation of each newcomer to “Welcome to MSF” onboarding.

Welcome to MSF!